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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium, iste est. Officia quo, quod nobis, blanditiis magni aliquam veritatis consectetur ab ipsam neque laborum ad quidem facilis recusandae dignissimos necessitatibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium, iste est. Officia quo, quod nobis, blanditiis magni aliquam veritatis consectetur ab ipsam neque laborum ad quidem facilis recusandae dignissimos necessitatibus.
"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." – Pablo Picasso
Paradigmstories I’m a self-taught multidisciplinary artist with 28 years of experience, blending surrealism, philosophy, and innovation into a distinct and evolving body of work. The son of a painter, I was immersed in creativity from an early age, shaping my artistic journey into one of exploration and self-discovery.
Since 1996, Paradigmstories has delved into black-and-white worlds, crafting hand-drawn pieces, charcoal portraits, augmented reality (AR) art, and interactive handmade works that often connect like puzzles. My creations explore themes of time, memory, and interconnectedness, offering viewers a gateway to alternate realities and new ways of seeing.
Through a lifetime-spanning project, Paradigmstories invites collectors to engage with an ever-evolving narrative that merges traditional techniques with futuristic innovations. Guided by a relentless curiosity and a commitment to meaningful storytelling, I aim to leave a legacy that resonates both personally and universally.
When I was young, I had an unfortunate run-in with a painting canvas easel base—it won. I ended up with a scar under my left eye, a permanent reminder of the encounter. Years later, my dad looked at me and said, “You know, it’s funny—since you were little, you’ve always had a certain fall for the arts.” Turns out, my art journey was literally written on my face from the start!
Award winner FTNFT2025 Malta phygital category
03/04/2024 NFTNYC BILLBAORDS TIMES SQUARELink-htps:/app.nft.nyc/token/paradigmstoriesnftnycnfticketvipaces/1
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202331/12/2023 DANY2023Link-htps:/nealgalery.com/DANY2023.html CathyViewArtZone,Beijing,China
20/12/2023 A Mutual Sense:Colaboration as Creative Practice Link-htps:/thehug.xyz/open-cals/arenaartspace
25/08/2023 CryptoArtFridayxCreativeBytes-"LucidDream" Link-htps:/www.joyn.xyz/contest/crypto-art-friday-x- creative-bytes-lucid-dream-closed-13b724905530
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25/08/2022MecenateFineArt— ExhibitatMFANFTGaleryRome Link-htps:/www.joyn.xyz/contest/open-cal-exhibit-at-mfa-nft- galery-80e28a51cbc2
22/03/2022ArtDropiscreatedbyParadigmStories Link-htps:/www.redlion.news/article/paradigm-stories
20/02/2023BananaConf(ex-NFTTalinn)NFTTalinnxMagusz Link-htps:/www.joyn.xyz/contest/open-cal-nft-talinn-x- magusz-af53d4aa0b91 Conferenceteaser-htps:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtYUfdjs-Ms Exhibitionspotx20(242participants)20/02/2023 Link-htps:/expreso.pt/sociedade/2022-02-04-mostra-de-43- artistas-portugueses-estreia-esta-sexta-na-internet-com-tecnologias-nft
12/01/2023 CommunityCurationvol3-by@gart3_ethJOYN.XYZ Link-htps:/www.joyn.xyz/contest/community-curation-v ol-by-gart-eth-ba30fd97b412
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Sine Tempore - Sine Metu
VitaliksVerse and Genesis Angel
Tempus Impromtpu
Endless Admiration
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A hymn to melancholia.
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Max Meir
Lost in Projection: Lumen is a curated piece from the 2023 generative art series exploring post-calligraphic aesthetics through code, emphasizing abstract lines and forms.
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Mariela Di Nardo
It is the eternal song of what flows without question or force, carving its path between rocks and roots, tracing a destiny it never seeks. A silent pulse that intertwines everything in its wake, defying the forces that seek to disturb the fragile balance of nature.
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Everyone lives with their own demons. People are afraid of them, avoid them… But I want to show their dark beauty.
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A hymn to melancholia.
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Max Meir
Lost in Projection: Lumen is a curated piece from the 2023 generative art series exploring post-calligraphic aesthetics through code, emphasizing abstract lines and forms.
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Mariela Di Nardo
It is the eternal song of what flows without question or force, carving its path between rocks and roots, tracing a destiny it never seeks. A silent pulse that intertwines everything in its wake, defying the forces that seek to disturb the fragile balance of nature.
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Everyone lives with their own demons. People are afraid of them, avoid them… But I want to show their dark beauty.
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A hymn to melancholia.
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Max Meir
Lost in Projection: Lumen is a curated piece from the 2023 generative art series exploring post-calligraphic aesthetics through code, emphasizing abstract lines and forms.
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Mariela Di Nardo
It is the eternal song of what flows without question or force, carving its path between rocks and roots, tracing a destiny it never seeks. A silent pulse that intertwines everything in its wake, defying the forces that seek to disturb the fragile balance of nature.
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Everyone lives with their own demons. People are afraid of them, avoid them… But I want to show their dark beauty.