

"Well, luckily with animation, fantasy is your friend." - Steven Spielberg

Mobotato is the brainchild of Daniel McKay, a motion graphics designer and 3D generalist from Auckland, New Zealand. Having studied computer graphic design for 4 years (and been involved in the creative industry for 20+) the world of Mobotato began to evolve as a way to sustain the creative itch. Agency briefs and mundane feedback can slowly chip away at your soul, so late nights toiling on new software and ideas keeps his sanity in check. These days, Daniel's ambition is to share his unique robotic aesthetic with the world, and (hopefully) make some new friends along the way.


Mobotato is the brainchild of Daniel McKay, a motion graphics designer and 3D generalist from Auckland, New Zealand.

Having studied computer graphic design for 4 years (and been involved in the creative industry for 20+) the world of Mobotato began to evolve as a way to sustain the creative itch.

Agency briefs and mundane feedback can slowly chip away at your soul, so late nights toiling on new software and ideas keeps his sanity in check. These days, Daniel's ambition is to share his unique robotic aesthetic with the world, and (hopefully) make some new friends along the way.

Fun facts

Daniel has been learning 3D since 'pre-YouTube' days, so he's seen huge advancements in tech for this medium. He truly gets a kick out of people saying they enjoy his work, and the Web3 space has opened a whole new network of friends and collectors that he's grateful to have following along on his journey.


2021 AR work created for the 'Prosthetic Reality V2' book

2023 Natively Digital: Oddly Satisfying. Sotheby's, Paris

2023 Artcrush Gallery World Tour exhibition, Times Square NYC and other mayor cities

2023 NFT.NYC: Work displayed at the Community Artist Showcase



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