Nicolas Bets

Nicolas Bets

Nicolas Bets' photographs, that always have a touch of spring, mainly illustrate the woman from an unexpected and offbeat angle. His work brings a real freshness to the world of fashion photography and the result is a carefully choreographed scenography and real spontaneity at the same time.


Nicolas Bets arrives in Paris from his native Belgium at 17, to become, like his mother, a photographer. He graduated after only one year in photography school. During seven years, he attends to great names in the profession, such as Claus Wickrath and Jean-Daniel Lorieux. On its best playing field, combining delusion and rigor, the aesthetics and sense of detail are pushed to the extreme. Between the harmony of colors, the sets, and the expressive power of the characters (sometimes numerous) he puts on stage, Nicolas Bets signs a recognizable and unique brand of his kind.
His photographs, that always have a touch of spring, mainly illustrate the woman from an unexpected and offbeat angle. Nicolas Bets' work brings a real freshness to the world of fashion photography and the result is a carefully choreographed scenography and real spontaneity at the same time.

Each of his photographs is an invitation to lightness, an ode to colours and show a true mastery of photography sessions: from the studios to the desert, from the swimming pool to the interiors Nicolas Bets' playground has no borders.


Bigoudis Party

Bigoudis Party

Curlers and Spider in Los Angeles

Curlers and Spider in Los Angeles




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